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Request form for private customers

Form Note:
Please answer all of the data fields and only then the form can be sents!

Ms. Mr.
Street/House number
Sort code/Town
Date/Place of birth
Passport or ID card No.
Place and date of issue
Employed as
employed self employed
Employed as
current employer

Attention! exact name, for example: schulze@web.de
Saxony-Anhalt Thuringia
Searched place of residence
Type of property
room small apartment large apartment house
Number of rooms
from to
unfurnished fully furnished
Rental period from

Duration of rental period

No. of persons

+ Names of persons
+ Age of children

smoker non-smoker
weekday-only occupant constant occupant
Animal Husbandry:
number, species, breed
Your new job/ reason for required accom.
maximal monthly rental
incl. incidental costs
from to
Your consent in 6 para. 1 lit. b DSGVO, so that we may also act for you:

I agree that my data may only be transmitted to persons involved in the brokerage and / or rental (eg owner, landlord, property manager).

I agree that the BIGKs-Wohnagentur may offer and send me property offers according to my search specifications.

I accept the terms and conditions an.

Signaturen (SURNAME and FORNAME set by keyboard)

     PDF-Form for fax / post for download:
     pdf PDF-request form

General terms and conditions - for rent (STC)

1. Your form for your housing search, we handed over to the landlord. If the landlord has agreed, we will send you the contact details of the landlord and the data to the apartment.This information can be provided verbally or in written form. Despite all due care, no liability can be accepted for Street, accuracy and completeness. the client shall receive offers from providers of living accommodation of which the client has no previous knowledge. This information can be provided verbally or in written form. Despite all due care, no liability can be accepted for accuracy and completeness.
2. The offers are confidential and intended only for the client/s. The permission of BIGKs is required to pass these on to third parties. Should the client have prior knowledge of an offer, BIGKs is to be informed of this immediately naming the source.
3. Should a lease be concluded (verbally/in writing) for one of the properties made known by BIGKs or with a provider of housing made known by BIGKs, BIGKs is to be informed of this immediately.
4. By submitting this order you give your permission that we can transmit your data to the owner of the requested apartments and to credit agencies for purposes of testing and to obtain informations about you,
5. The information provided is to be stored in line with the provisions of data protection law taking account of taxation law and accounting obligations and the judgment of the highest court on the commission claim. The information is not to be passed on or sold for advertising purposes. Further details and the exact time periods can be viewed at BIGKs-Datenschutz.
6. SCHUFA-clause in regard to requests for renting
I hereby authorize the lessor to transmit data about my request to rent a rental object to SCHUFA Holding AG (SCHUFA), Kormoran-weg 5, 65201 Wiesbaden and to obtain information from SCHUFA in regard to my person. Notwithstanding the above, the lessor will transmit to SCHUFA information concerning his outstanding claims against me (for example legally established claims after a termina-tion of tenancy agreement according to §§ 543, subparagraph 2 No. 3, 569 subparagraph 3 BGB [German Civil Code] respectively be-cause of delayed payment according to § 573 subparagraph 2 No. 1 BGB [German Civil Code]). The transmission of the above men-tioned information complies with § 28a subparagraph 1 sentence 1 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (Federal Data Protection Act), if I haven’t settled the debts due, the transmission is necessary for the protec-tion of legitimate interests of the lessor or of third persons and the claim is enforceable at law or I have admitted the claim explicitly. Furthermore the lessor will transmit data about non-contractual be-haviour (for example fraudulent or abusive behaviour) to SCHUFA. These notifications are permitted, if and to the extent they are nec-essary for the protection of legitimate interests of the lessor or of third persons and there are no reasons for the assumption that your legitimate interest in non-transmission prevails. SCHUFA stores and uses the received data. The usage of the data comprises the calculation of a probability value on the basis of the database of SCHUFA for the evaluation of the credit risk (Score). The received data will also be transmitted to contractual partners of SCHUFA domiciled in the European Economic Area and Swiss for the purpose of evaluation of creditworthiness of natural persons. The contractual partners of SCHUFA are companies that bear con-tingency risks based on their goods and services (in particular credit institutions, credit card providers, leasing and renting companies, trade companies, telecommunication companies, utility companies, insurance- and debt collection companies). SCHUFA provides personal data only if a legitimate interest is be-lievably stated and the transmission is permitted after due consider-ation of the interests of all parties. Hence, the scope of the data pro-vided may vary depending on the kind of contractual partner. Further on SCHUFA uses the data for the verification of the identity and the age of persons on request of their contractual partners, which are providing for example services on the internet. I can get information from SCHUFA about the stored data related to me. More information regarding the SCHUFA information procedure and the Score procedure are provided on www.meineschufa.de. The postal address of SCHUFA is: SCHUFA Holding AG, Privatkunden ServiceCenter, Postfach 10 34 41, 50474 Köln
7. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), is applicable. Amendments and supplements must be made in written form. This also applies to any waiver of the requirement for written form. There are no verbal agreements to this contract. To the extent that the client is acting as or on behalf of a merchant, the agreed jurisdiction shall be Suhl . Should one of these provisions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the remainder of the provisions.

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